Apache Airflow: Use Cases, Architecture, and 6 Tips for Success

What Is Apache Airflow? 

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Created by Airbnb in 2014 and later donated to the Apache Software Foundation, Airflow can handle complex computational workflows, making it easier to manage data pipelines. 

With Airflow, you can define tasks and their dependencies using Python, allowing for highly dynamic and customizable workflows. It supports scheduling workflows, executing them in the right order, and providing robust monitoring and management tools.

This is part of a series of articles about Kubernetes tools

Apache Airflow Design Principles 


Apache Airflow’s dynamic nature allows you to define workflows as code, enabling flexibility and scalability. Since workflows are written in Python, you can use its programming capabilities to create complex logic, loops, and conditional statements within your workflows. 

This means that workflows can be generated dynamically, adapting to different input parameters or external events.


Apache Airflow is highly extensible, supporting a modular architecture with a large ecosystem of plugins and integrations. You can extend its functionality by writing custom operators, sensors, and hooks. Operators define individual tasks, sensors wait for certain conditions to be met, and hooks provide interfaces to external systems. 

Additionally, Airflow integrates with various third-party services, such as cloud platforms, databases, and data processing tools, allowing incorporation into existing data infrastructure.


Airflow supports scaling both horizontally and vertically, making it suitable for handling workflows of varying sizes and complexities. You can distribute task execution across multiple workers, managed by a central scheduler, such as Kubernetes. 

Airflow’s distributed architecture ensures efficient resource utilization and load balancing, enabling it to handle large volumes of tasks and data processing operations.


Its user interface provides clear visual representations of workflows, making it easy to monitor task progress and identify issues. The web-based UI allows users to trigger tasks, view logs, and manage workflows without diving into the command line. 

Airflow’s configuration-as-code approach means that workflows are easy to version control, share, and collaborate on, leading to cleaner, more maintainable codebases.


Tips from the expert

Itiel Shwartz

Co-Founder & CTO

Itiel is the CTO and co-founder of Komodor. He’s a big believer in dev empowerment and moving fast, has worked at eBay, Forter and Rookout (as the founding engineer). Itiel is a backend and infra developer turned “DevOps”, an avid public speaker that loves talking about things such as cloud infrastructure, Kubernetes, Python, observability, and R&D culture.

In my experience, here are tips that can help you better utilize Apache Airflow:

Implement dynamic task retries

Use retry strategies that dynamically adjust based on the type of failure and context, such as exponential backoff for transient errors.

Optimize resource allocation

Tailor resource requests and limits for each task to ensure efficient use of CPU and memory, reducing the risk of resource contention.

Use task groups for organization

Organize tasks into logical groups using Airflow’s task group feature to enhance DAG readability and maintainability.

Integrate with CI/CD

Automate DAG deployment and updates through your CI/CD pipeline to ensure consistency and rapid iteration.

Centralize secrets management

Use tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to handle sensitive information securely within your DAGs.

What Is Apache Airflow Used For? Main Use Cases 

Here are some of the main uses of Apache Airflow.

Data Engineering and ETL Pipelines

Airflow is useful for the creation and management of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines. It allows data engineers to automate the extraction of data from various sources, transform it using custom logic, and load it into data warehouses or databases. Its ability to handle complex dependencies and conditional execution makes it suitable for ETL processes, ensuring data is processed in the correct sequence and any errors can be easily identified and resolved.

Machine Learning Workflows

Machine learning workflows often involve multiple stages, from data preprocessing to model training and evaluation. Apache Airflow can orchestrate these stages, ensuring each step is completed before the next begins. This is particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks such as data cleaning, feature extraction, and model deployment. 

Data Analytics and Reporting

Organizations rely on timely and accurate data analytics for decision-making. Apache Airflow can automate the execution of data analysis scripts and the generation of reports. By scheduling tasks to run at specified intervals, Airflow ensures that reports are generated with the most recent data. This helps in maintaining up-to-date dashboards and data visualizations.

DevOps and System Automation

Airflow is also used in DevOps for automating and managing system tasks. This includes database backups, log file analysis, and system health checks. By defining these tasks as workflows, organizations can ensure that maintenance activities are performed regularly and can easily monitor their status. It reduces the risk of human error and ensures consistency.

Airflow Architecture and Key Components

Airflow’s architecture is designed for scalability, flexibility, and reliability. The diagram below illustrates the main components, described in more detail below.

Source: Airflow

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

In Apache Airflow, workflows are defined using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). A DAG is a collection of tasks organized in such a way that there are no cycles, ensuring that tasks are executed in a specific order without looping back. This structure allows for clear and logical representation of complex workflows. 

Each DAG is created using Python code, programmed to define tasks, dependencies, and execution conditions. By using DAGs, Airflow allows you to manage task dependencies explicitly, ensuring that each task runs only when its prerequisites are complete.


The scheduler manages the execution timing of tasks defined within DAGs. It continuously monitors the DAGs to identify tasks that are ready to run based on their schedule and dependency status. The scheduler initiates task instances, manages retries for failed tasks, and ensures tasks are executed in accordance with the specified schedule. 

It efficiently handles task execution by placing them in a queue and distributing them to workers. The scheduler is responsible for maintaining the overall flow and timing of the DAGs, ensuring tasks are executed in the correct sequence and at the appropriate times.


The executor is the mechanism that determines how tasks are actually run. There are several types of executors available, each suited to different needs:

  • LocalExecutor: Runs tasks locally in parallel. It’s suitable for testing or small-scale deployments.
  • CeleryExecutor: Allows distributed task execution across multiple worker nodes using Celery, a distributed task queue. This is useful for larger, more complex workflows requiring scalability.
  • KubernetesExecutor: Runs tasks in Kubernetes pods, providing a highly scalable and dynamic environment. This is suitable for cloud-native applications.

The executor impacts how tasks are distributed, managed, and scaled. It interfaces with the worker processes to ensure tasks are executed and their statuses are reported back to the Scheduler.


Workers are the processes that perform the execution of tasks in Airflow. Depending on the executor being used, there can be multiple workers running in parallel across different nodes. Each worker picks up tasks from the queue managed by the Scheduler, executes them, and then reports the outcome. 

Workers handle the task logic defined in the DAGs and ensure tasks are completed as specified. In a distributed setup, workers can be scaled horizontally to handle an increased load, providing the ability to manage large and complex workflows efficiently.

Metadata Database

The metadata database is the central repository for all metadata related to DAGs and task instances. It stores information about DAG structures, task statuses, execution times, logs, and more. This enables Airflow to keep track of the state of each task, including whether it succeeded, failed, or is in progress. 

The metadata stored here is essential for the scheduler to make informed decisions about task scheduling and retries. It also provides historical data for monitoring and troubleshooting workflows, allowing users to analyze task performance and identify bottlenecks.

Web Server

The web server in Apache Airflow provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to interact with the system. This web-based UI offers several functionalities:

  • DAG visualization: Users can view the structure of DAGs, including task dependencies and statuses, in an intuitive graphical format.
  • Task monitoring: The interface allows users to monitor task execution in real time, check logs, and see task statuses.
  • Manual interventions: Users can trigger tasks manually, clear task states, and manage workflows without needing to access the command line.
  • Logs and metrics: The web server provides access to detailed logs and performance metrics, helping users troubleshoot issues and optimize workflows.

Apache Airflow Best Practices

Here are some of the ways to make the most of Apache Airflow.

1. Define the Purpose of the DAG

Before creating a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), it is essential to have a clear and well-defined purpose for the workflow. This involves a thorough understanding of the process you want to automate, the desired outcome, and the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure success. 

Documenting the purpose and objectives of the DAG helps in the effective design of its structure, ensuring that each task and its dependencies are aligned with the overall goal. This clarity is especially important as the complexity of workflows increases, allowing for easier maintenance and scalability. 

2. Ensure the DAGs Are Acyclic

A DAG, by definition, should not contain cycles, which means that tasks should not form loops that could lead to infinite execution and logical errors. To achieve this, carefully plan the task dependencies and use Airflow’s tools to visualize and validate the DAG structure. These graph visualization tools can help identify potential cycles and correct them before they cause issues. 

Ensuring acyclic workflows helps maintain the integrity of the data pipeline and simplifies debugging and monitoring processes. It is important to regularly review and test your DAGs to ensure that no inadvertent cycles are introduced, especially when making modifications or adding new tasks.

3. Use Variables for More Flexibility

Airflow’s Variables feature allows for the creation of more dynamic and adaptable workflows. Variables can be used to store configuration parameters, paths, credentials, or any other values that might change over time. By referencing these variables within your DAGs and tasks, you can easily adjust the workflow behavior without the need to modify the underlying code. 

This approach increases flexibility and reduces the risk of errors, as changes are centralized and can be managed through Airflow’s user interface. Using variables also enables reusability and consistency across different DAGs, as common parameters can be defined once and used in multiple workflows. 

4. Keep Workflow Files Up to Date

Regularly updating and reviewing your DAG files is crucial to ensure they remain aligned with current requirements and best practices. This involves making necessary modifications to task definitions and dependencies, as well as refactoring the code to improve readability, maintainability, and performance. 

Keeping workflow files up to date ensures that data pipelines run efficiently and reduces the risk of issues during execution. Incorporating feedback from monitoring and logging into these updates can provide insights into areas that may need optimization. Documentation should be maintained alongside DAG files to provide context and guidance for future modifications. 

5. Define Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) help ensure that tasks meet specific performance criteria and deadlines. SLAs are particularly useful for monitoring the execution time of tasks and receiving alerts if they exceed predefined limits. This aids in identifying performance bottlenecks and ensures that workflows adhere to expected timelines. 

By setting SLAs, you can also prioritize critical tasks and allocate resources to meet business requirements. SLAs provide a clear benchmark for evaluating workflow performance and enable better management of data pipeline expectations. Regularly reviewing and adjusting SLAs based on historical performance data can help optimize workflow execution.

6. Ensure Comprehensive Logging for All Tasks

Detailed logs provide insights into the execution flow of tasks, helping to identify issues and understand the behavior of the workflow. Apache Airflow captures logs for each task instance, and ensuring these logs are informative and complete enhances your ability to troubleshoot problems quickly. 

Logs should include relevant details like input parameters, execution steps, errors encountered, and task completion status. This aids in identifying and resolving issues, enabling performance tuning and optimization of workflows. Comprehensive logging is also important for auditing and compliance purposes, providing a record of task execution and system interactions. 

Komodor for Kubernetes Workflow Management

Komodor is the Continuous Kubernetes Reliability Platform, designed to democratize K8s expertise across the organization and enable engineering teams to leverage its full value.

Komodor’s platform empowers developers to confidently monitor and troubleshoot their workloads while allowing cluster operators to enforce standardization and optimize performance. Specifically when working in a hybrid environment, Komodor reduces the complexity by providing a unified view of all your services and clusters.

By leveraging Komodor, companies of all sizes significantly improve reliability, productivity, and velocity. Or, to put it simply – Komodor helps you spend less time and resources on managing Kubernetes, and more time on innovating at scale.

If you are interested in checking out Komodor, use this link to sign up for a Free Trial

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