Rightsizing & Handling Resource Allocation in Kubernetes

Handling resource allocation within Kubernetes clusters is of paramount importance. Proper resource allocation in Kubernetes ensures optimal performance and efficient utilization of the underlying infrastructure, safeguarding against capacity issues and application downtime. In contrast, improper resource allocation can lead to a plethora of challenges, from wasted resources to compromised application performance.

This article will delve into a concept known as rightsizing, which is an ongoing process of optimizing resource allocation that considers the actual usage and needs of applications. Likewise, you’ll look at how rightsizing in Kubernetes can unlock significant performance gains and cost savings. We’ll also explore the importance of resource allocation and review a few strategies and best practices when rightsizing your Kubernetes resources.

Understanding Resource Allocation in Kubernetes

In simple terms, resource allocation refers to the process of assigning measurable quantities, known as compute resources, to different applications, services, and objects within a Kubernetes cluster. However, it can be challenging to implement. For this reason, it’s a good idea to quickly go over the parties involved in the resource allocation process.

Let’s start with containers, which encapsulate applications and their dependencies.

Containers have resource requirements that determine their functionality. The principal resource types in Kubernetes are CPU, memory, storage, and network, each playing a crucial role in how applications perform. CPU and memory are consumed by the container during its execution. Storage is the disk space used by the container, while network resources determine the bandwidth available for communication.

Kubernetes resource objects like podsdeployments, and ReplicaSets help manage these containers.

When it comes to resource allocation policies and strategies, Kubernetes provides two approaches: static allocation and dynamic allocation. Static allocation involves specifying the resources a container will need up front, which Kubernetes uses to schedule the container on a node that can meet these requirements. On the other hand, dynamic allocation offers more flexibility by allocating resources based on actual usage and demand, thus optimizing resource utilization.

Later sections explore these approaches in more detail; for now, the important thing is to understand that resource allocation in Kubernetes is vital for optimizing performance while minimizing costs. It’s an intricate balance between ensuring applications have the resources they need and avoiding overallocation, which could lead to resource wastage.

Understanding the significance of resource allocation in Kubernetes allows you to appreciate the importance of rightsizing, which optimizes resource use based on actual application requirements. This ultimately enhances application performance and reduces operational costs.

Importance of Rightsizing in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, rightsizing involves efficiently adjusting the allocation of resources to match the actual usage of each service or application. Simply put, resource allocation is all about ensuring applications have access to the resources they need to perform at their best—no more or less. Rightsizing provides benefits such as resource optimization, application performance improvements, and lower operating costs.

Rightsizing also addresses the common pitfalls of resource overallocation and underallocation, such as wastage, application instability, resource contention, and performance degradation.

Overall, rightsizing in Kubernetes is more than just a resource management strategy; it’s a vital practice that ensures applications run optimally, resources are used efficiently, and operational costs are kept under control.

Strategies for Rightsizing Using Kubernetes-Native Resource Management Tools

Rightsizing in Kubernetes involves several strategies, which will be discussed below.

Monitoring and Analyzing Resource Usage

Monitoring and analyzing resource usage is the first step in rightsizing. Kubernetes provides built-in metrics and monitoring tools that can help identify resource inefficiencies. For example, you can use the kubectl top command to view the CPU and memory usage of pods and nodes:

kubectl top pod kubectl top node 

This is a sample output:

NAME                       CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY% rightsizing-server-0.      95m          15%    1115Mi          18% 

Metrics Server and the Kubernetes dashboard are other useful tools for monitoring resource usage. Combined, they provide a graphical user interface for viewing resource utilization data.

Vertical Rightsizing

Vertical rightsizing involves adjusting CPU and memory limits based on predefined workload requirements. This can be done by setting requests and limit parameters directly in a pod’s specification:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:   name: mypod spec:   containers:   - name: mycontainer     image: myimage     resources:       requests:         cpu: "100m"         memory: "200Mi"       limits:         cpu: "500m"         memory: "500Mi" 

In this example, the application requests 100 milliCPU and 200 MiB of memory, and its limits are 500 milliCPU and 500 MiB of memory.

You can also specify the amount of CPU, memory, and other resources that can be used within a namespace using a resource quota, which effectively provides a way to vertically rightsize resources:

apiVersion: v1 kind: ResourceQuota metadata:   name: compute-resources spec:   hard:     pods: 4     requests.cpu: 1     requests.memory: 1Gi     limits.cpu: 2     limits.memory: 2Gi 

In this example, the ResourceQuota named compute-resources limits the total number of pods in the namespace to 4, requests 1 CPU and 1 Gi of memory, and sets a limit of 2 CPUs and 2 Gi of memory.

Monitoring resource usage and comparing it against the assigned ResourceQuota is essential in order to understand when to adjust it. If your pods are routinely hitting their limits and causing performance issues, it might be time to increase the quota. On the other hand, if your pods are consistently underutilizing the allocated resources, you might want to decrease the quota to free up resources.

The Kubernetes kubectl command provides an easy way to retrieve resource quota status:

kubectl describe quota compute-resources 

The vertical rightsizing of Kubernetes resources using resource quotas allows you to optimize the allocation and consumption of resources in your cluster. Setting resource quotas will ensure that your applications have the resources they need when they need them, while also preventing any single application from consuming more resources than it should. This can lead to better application performance and lower infrastructure costs.

Horizontal Rightsizing

Horizontal rightsizing involves scaling the number of pod replicas based on resource utilization. The Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) can be used to automate this process. Here’s an example of how to implement autoscaling policies with HPA:

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata:   name: sample-hpa spec:   scaleTargetRef:     apiVersion: apps/v1     kind: Deployment     name: sample-deployment   minReplicas: 5   maxReplicas: 10   targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 

In this example, HPA ensures that the CPU utilization of the pods in sample-deployment does not exceed 80 percent. If it does, the HPA will automatically scale up the number of pod replicas.

Storage and Network Rightsizing

Storage rightsizing involves optimizing storage usage by setting appropriate storage requests and limits. This can be done using persistent volume claims (PVCs):

apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata:   name: sample-pvc spec:   resources:     requests:       storage: 10Gi 

In this example, the PVC requests 10 GB of storage.

Network rightsizing involves fine-tuning network policies and traffic management. Kubernetes network policies can be used to control the flow of traffic between pods:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: NetworkPolicy metadata:   name: samplenetworkpolicy spec:   podSelector:     matchLabels:       role: backend   policyTypes:   - Ingress   - Egress   ingress:   - from:     - podSelector:         matchLabels:           role: frontend     ports:     - protocol: TCP       port: 8080 

In this example, the network policy allows traffic only from the pods with the label role: frontend to the pods with the label role: backend on TCP port 8080.

Vertical Pod Autoscaler

The vertical pod autoscaler (VPA) is a Kubernetes feature that automatically adjusts the CPU and memory reservations for your pods, thus ensuring optimal resource allocation. This rightsizing strategy is particularly useful when the resource needs of your workloads change over time.

Here’s an example of a vertical pod autoscaler:

apiVersion: autoscaling.k8s.io/v1 kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler metadata:   name: vpa-example spec:   targetRef:     apiVersion: "apps/v1"     kind:       Deployment     name:       sample-app   updatePolicy:     updateMode: "Auto"   resourcePolicy:     containerPolicies:     - containerName: "sample-app"       minAllowed:         cpu: "450m"         memory: "250Mi"       maxAllowed:         cpu: "800m"         memory: "800Mi" 

In this configuration, the VPA will monitor the deployment named sample-app and automatically adjust its CPU and memory reservations based on the supplied parameters.

Cluster Autoscaler

The cluster autoscaler (CA) is another effective rightsizing strategy for Kubernetes. It dynamically adjusts the number of nodes in a Kubernetes cluster based on current needs, ensuring that all pods have a place to run without overprovisioning resources.

To implement a cluster autoscaler, you need to install it in your cluster and then configure it. Such implementation may vary slightly from one provider to another. For more information about CA, you can check out the FAQ.

Resource Bin Packing

Finally, you can opt for more advanced optimization methods, such as adjusting the bin packing strategies of the Kubernetes scheduler. Natively, Kubernetes allows you to use MostAllocated to deploy containers on nodes that have more resources available. On the other hand, RequestedToCapacityRatio allows users to specify the resources along with weights for each resource to score nodes based on the request-to-capacity ratio. Examples and more detailed information about these strategies can be found in the documentation.

Third-Party Solutions for Rightsizing

Deploying the above strategies can be hard for newbies, as they demand a strong understanding of Kubernetes and CLI tools. Let’s explore third-party solutions designed to overcome these obstacles. As mentioned, monitoring your applications and services is key to handling resource allocation in Kubernetes. In this sense, one of the most popular observability stacks consists of Prometheus and Grafana.

Both Prometheus and Grafana are powerful, open source, vendor-agnostic tools that provide DevOps teams with an intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface for visualizing all kinds of Kubernetes metrics. The Prometheus/Grafana stack also allows custom queries and alerts that help you detect performance issues at an early stage and gain valuable insights for Kubernetes cluster optimization.

While Grafana and Prometheus are great, their observability is limited to the workloads running on the Kubernetes cluster. This is where more advanced tools like Komodor come in. Komodor offers a unified platform where DevOps teams can monitor, operate, troubleshoot, and optimize Kubernetes applications.

Komodor | Rightsizing & Handling Resource Allocation in Kubernetes

Komodor also integrates the functionalities of a resource estimator, which provides the approximate use of resources based on the configuration and workload. This will help DevOps teams predict and optimize the allocation of resources.

In addition to the tools mentioned, you can also use cutting-edge resource allocation techniques such as machine-learning-based resource prediction models. This technique consists of analyzing past resource usage trends to predict future demands and proactively allocating resources, further enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

These sophisticated techniques, combined with monitoring tools and resource estimators, provide a comprehensive strategy for the effective sizing of Kubernetes resources.

Best Practices for Effective Resource Allocation

Effective resource allocation in Kubernetes is an ongoing process, so it’s a good idea to keep some best practices in mind:

  • Regular resource profiling and capacity planning: Continually monitor your Kubernetes workloads. Understand their resource usage patterns and adjust allocation based on trends. Plan capacity based on historical data and future predictions.
  • Testing and validating resource allocation changes: Before implementing changes to resource allocations, thoroughly test to ensure the changes won’t negatively impact system performance. Validate the benefits of the changes before rolling them out fully.
  • Implementing resource allocation as part of your CI/CD pipeline: Incorporate resource allocation strategies within your CI/CD pipeline. This facilitates automatic scaling and adjustment of resources, promoting efficient resource utilization.
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive optimization: Continuous monitoring helps you detect potential issues before they impact performance. Proactive optimization, guided by monitoring data, ensures resources are always used effectively.

When properly implemented, these practices can lead to optimal resource utilization, better application performance, and cost-effectiveness in Kubernetes environments.


This article discussed how rightsizing and resource allocation are critical to managing Kubernetes environments. You explored different strategies for resource allocation, tools that facilitate this task, and best practices to follow when implementing these strategies. Some key takeaways include the importance of continuous resource monitoring and proactive optimization of the Kubernetes cluster using the different strategies and tools presented.

Going forward, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest trends in Kubernetes resource management, such as the increasing use of AI and machine learning for predictive resource allocation. Keeping up with new developments will help you further refine the rightsizing process and contribute to more cost-effective and efficient Kubernetes operations.

One such development is Komodor, a centralized dashboard that lets your team manage and optimize Kubernetes clusters. Try Komodor for free or join the Komodor Kommunity on Slack to learn more.

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